going all in…

I’ve been feeling quite nostalgic for Australia, these last few days. I’m not sure exactly why. Even to the point of rediscovering some songs on my YouTube playlist, and crying over them. If you’ve never heard The Dubliners sing “The Fields of Athenry”, then you don’t know what you’re missing. My Aussie family used to crank that one up on the TV, and everybody would sing along. IMG_8780

And then I heard about a “new” coffee shop in town. Well, I know they opened in April, but I wasn’t in the U.S. at the time! I came to visit All In Coffee, and had a hard time decided between The Panda Bear (white chocolate and milk chocolate latte) and The White Tiger (white chocolate with chai?). Then, I went to a table to sit… and found a map of the world right next to my head. Guess which country was closest?IMG_8782

Unfortunately, I can’t put a pin on Emerald (on the map), because technically I’m not from there, but at least I’m an honorary Aussie, according to some of my friends there. So, I took a picture instead. But you know, next time I visit Australia, I won’t just be visiting Emerald. Now that my friends are starting to scatter far and wide, I’ll have to visit Tasmania, too. And if I’m going to visit there, why not go to New Zealand, while I’m at it? My list of places to see Down Under is growing.

So, while I can’t curl up in a booth at Bogey’s, with an order of potato wedges, sweet chilli sauce, and sour cream, I think going “all in” will be the next best thing. Don’t you?IMG_8784

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